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Saturday, 16 November 2019

Curriculum Issues and Implications of Pre school education

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Curriculum Issues and Implications of Pre school education

Curriculum Issues and Implications of Pre school education:

A better curriculum can cover all the dimensions that have been created to aid children's learning and development. This requires a child-centered approach that empowers the child and makes him an active participant in the learning process. Diversity is an important subject to consider in the curriculum.This curriculum will create an environment that is conducive to the all-round development of children.This curriculum document is suitable for the child, age-friendly, tailored to the needs and qualifications. It emphasizes the need for full participation of teachers.

Education Classical Procedures : 

The major objectives of Early childhood care and education (ECCE) are general objectives under education classical procedures

(A) To enable the child to develop his / her maximum potential, to lay the foundation for a healthy, productive and satisfied life in the future
(B) to prepare the child for admission and success in primary school and
(C) Providing support services to women and girls so that they can continue their education and training has been included.

Curriculum format -
To achieve these objectives, the curriculum should be designed as follows: 
Curriculum should be developmentally appropriate, activity based and related to the child's interests and abilities, according to the child's age and needs.
  • The curriculum should be an integrated collection of experiences in all areas such as health and wellness, understanding, physical, social, sensitive and language to confirm all round growth and development through interrelated approaches.
  • Curriculum has sufficient flexibility to suit the diverse social, cultural, economic and linguistic contexts of our country as well as individual differences between children.
  • The curriculum facilitates the child to be comfortable with the primary school routine and formal teaching.
Different views regarding curriculum :

Most thinkers have speculated about the nature of childhood and the process of socialization.
"Plato" thought that young children should be given guidance in state-run schools.
"Gandhiji" gave the idea of ​​basic education based on crafts.
Western thinkers such as Russo, Froebel, John DV, Maria Montessori have also given direction to the conduct of early childhood education. His ideas have paved the way for sensitive and practical activities for the creation of curriculum and content. Active participation in classroom activities - sports, art, rhythm, poetry and active participation - based on the insistence and insight of these people, was recognized and recognized.
"Gijubhai Badheka" and "Tarabai Modak" were among the first to conceptualize the child centered approach to the care and education of young children.

Child psychologists and scholars of child development such as "Piaget", "Bruner" and "Yagotski" have considered sports and activities to be important as the child's natural way of learning, based on research. Therefore, the curriculum should define the essential nature of childhood.

Friday, 15 November 2019

Early childhood care and education - Objectives and principles

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Objectives and principles of early childhood care and education

Objectives and principles of early childhood care and education : 

Introduction - 
        At the global level, it is recognized that the first 6 years of human life; early childhood is a very important period, because the pace of development is very fast in these years. Research in the last two decades has confirmed that the lack of catalytic and rich growth in early childhood reduces the chances of a child's brain development, which cannot be replenished in the future.
          Sage development is a continuous process at a rapid pace, the first stage of development affects its gradual development. Health, nutrition and psycho-social settings make it a suitable, enabling environment to meet all the child's needs. Creating an environment where the child gets an opportunity to listen, speak and express, children learn by using resources on their own and get the opportunity to do activities again and again. It is also important that adults, older children around them, can provide the right direction to the experiments conducted by them. If catalytic activities, resources, nutritious food and positive environment are made available in the basic years of children, then each person can achieve his maximum potential in future years. Certainly early childhood care and education is the permanent basis of future life.
For the initial 03 years, the learning environment basically comes from the parents and family, and after 03 years, there is a need to learn with the community and children. Parent, family and community have significant involvement in the all round development of children.

        It is interdependent that a healthy baby can develop only in a positive environment. Therefore, providing a positive resource enabling environment to children is one of the priorities of the state. With a view to formalizing quality and standards in early childhood, a curriculum for early childhood care and education has been prepared. The syllabus is based on the details of National Early Childhood Care and Education Policy, National ECCE Syllabus Framework, NCF 2005 Basis, NCF 2005 Principle based on infant and child education specialists.

Main objectives of Early child care education (ECCE) syllabus - 

  • Defining academic goals related to pre-school education and school preparation.
  • To plan the curriculum in such a way that they can help in the ability and age of children; physical and mental; cognitive, language and communication, social and emotional, creative and aesthetic development.
  • To plan the course activities in such a way that it can help in making the children curious, sensitive and confident.
  • Determining the concept of child learning, the material to be taught to them, and the methods of teaching and assessment
  • Appointment for qualifications, training and management for conducting child accessible activities
  • Determining the enabling space and the necessary resources to implement the course
Key Principles of Early child care education(ECCE) Syllabus -

Under the national Early child care education framework, the following principles have been set for the personal development of Indian children : -

  • All children learn naturally : The curriculum is based on the belief that all children have the ability to attain the required level of knowledge. Whether they are of any gender, religion or economic, social background, they learn naturally when they are enabled.
  • Developmental activity : For this, it is necessary to create a suitable environment for taking education in which the operator can conduct such activities, so that children can get a diverse experience by using sports, work and educational materials with their peers. How much children can learn depends on their prior experiences, their learning methods, their home environment and their physical health. It also depends on whether their courses fit their age. The activities done in the centers should be in all areas of development such as social, cognitive, emotional, skill and physical and which can improve children's linguistic knowledge and learn by connecting with their surroundings. The activities should be designed so that the child can relate them to his experience.
  • Preponderance of experience : It is necessary to have diversity in the experiences given to children in Early child care education centers. Children should have adequate opportunities to remain active. The environment should be such that children can openly participate in activities and interact and ask questions. For this it is necessary that the environment of the educational center is connected to the atmosphere of the community. The activities should be such that the child should be interested and get to learn things related to different areas of development. For example - looking at and interacting with trees, plants and animals, viewing and designing clothes, drawing, painting and coloring in pictures and setting objects in a particular order. Our aim should be to pass on new experiences to children and not to make them efficient in doing any activity. For conducting such activities, it is necessary to have a safe environment and place at pre-school education centers. Also, educational materials, sports items and various types of toys, and other concrete materials like blocks, puzzles, etc. should be available at the center.
  • Game based learning : It is necessary to have diversity in the experiences given to children in Early child care educational centers. Children should have adequate opportunities to remain active. The environment should be such that children can openly participate in activities and interact and ask questions. For this it is necessary that the environment of the educational center is connected to the atmosphere of the community. The activities should be such that the child should be interested and get to learn things related to different areas of development. For example - looking at and interacting with trees, plants and animals, viewing and designing clothes, drawing, painting and coloring in pictures and setting objects in a particular order. Our aim should be to pass on new experiences to children and not to make them efficient in doing any activity. For conducting such activities, it is necessary to have a safe environment and place at pre-school education centers. Also, educational materials, sports items and various types of toys, and other concrete materials like blocks, puzzles, etc. should be available at the center.
  • Integrated education : The integrated curriculum is based on the principle that children's experiences are holistic and from each experience they learn many different things. For example, the collective singing of a poem develops the language and skills of the children, they acquire the social skills necessary to work in groups. They gain confidence to speak in a group and learn to do activities from the rhythm while maintaining their physical balance. There is a belief behind this that what a child learns in one area of ​​education is also useful in other areas. The integrated syllabus is based on this theme and believes in giving children a complete experience so that they can develop language-related, emotional, physical and cognitive development.
  • Use of materials and resources : Early child care education centers require a variety of activities and a variety of materials to create a vibrant environment. Locally seeds, flowers, small stones of various sizes, useless household items such as rope, old tires, bags and calendars, etc., stories told by elders and local songs can also be good resources. Activity can also be made on the basis of excursion to the children in the vicinity. So that they can identify local plants and animals. While the use of locally available materials and resources helps in conducting Early child care education activities, children are able to understand the social and cultural environment around them and interact with them.

    Along with this, arrangements should be made for the development of all areas of children in addition to locally available material. Such as - puzzles to be solved by arranging objects, dolls or puppets required to play a role, stories books with large size pictures, cards of different numbers, stories cards and musical instruments. Children should have materials available for drawing, coloring and writing pictures.
  • Children get a chance to take initiative :Children are curious by nature. He constantly observes the world around him and finds many meanings in it. They touch things and look at them carefully and move them and ask questions about them to make sense of the world around them. When this tendency of children trying is encouraged in such an environment, then the children feel safe and they feel that the people around them want them. For example, the center operator can give this opportunity to the children to discuss their experiences after a festival or talk about their toys and animals around them, change the story a bit, take initiative in the game, soil or other Create something etc. with such an object. Children begin to understand at an early age whether adults around them believe in their ability to take initiative. This increases children's confidence if they feel that the adults around them understand their abilities. Different children have different ways of learning and they need to go through different experiences as appropriate.

Learning Principles:

Learning is a process during which the child observes observational search, behaves social differences, develops concepts and discovers the meaning of things, builds his knowledge, etc.

A planned curriculum can encourage children to interact with other children, elders, and material.

It is universally accepted that-

Children remain physically and mentally active from infancy and start learning from birth.

All children (irrespective of their social or economic background) can learn. Necessity provides them with suitable environment.

Every child has different experiences and their pace of learning and manner is also different. They should not be compared to each other nor should they be expected to learn a particular task within a given time frame. The success of every child should be given importance and the focus should be on their personal achievements.

If the learning experience is enjoyable and is linked to the child's real life, then children feel more encouraged and they learn.

Children develop their concepts and build their knowledge based on the results of their experiences and dealings with other people and material.

Children are basically inquisitive and are eager to ask questions and want to know and learn new things.

Through the game, children learn by natural means.

Children develop holistically and they benefit from integrated experience. Physical, creative, cognitive, social and emotional development are interconnected and occur together.
Activities are a strategy in which adults, along with a child or group of children, perform various tasks in which children learn new things and their learning speed increases.

Accreditation : 

Integrated child development is primarily based on the health, nutrition and education of infants. Child development is a continuous process. Child education is generally seen as pre-school preparation. Parents (parents) often see it in this form. Another side sees it as a nutritious diet program. Whereas, it should be seen as the interrelation of health, nutrition, education and psychological pleasure experience. In addition to general knowledge, the mainstay of the care and development program in childhood is another source of traditional knowledge experience. Unfortunately we have failed to recognize and properly use traditional knowledge or experience in the development of children.

A good childhood care and education program respects the varying pace of development of all children, and ensures that the child has physical, mental, emotional, moral and spiritual development to the best of his ability. Therefore, the main objective of quality care and education in the early years of childhood is to help the child to grow into a holistic personality and to recognize and develop his / her abilities in all areas of development. The program focuses on a common goal and approach to sports (approach). In the ECCE program the development of the child has been divided into 5 major areas which are as follows-
  • Physical and dynamic development
  • Cognitive development (intellectual development)
  • Language development
  • Social and emotional development
  • Creative and aesthetic development

Justification :

The Right to Free and Compulsory Child Education Act 2009 has emphasized the need for national childcare care and education. According to Section 11 of the Act, the Government concerned to provide free pre-school education to children in the age group of three to six years to prepare them for primary education of children above three years of age and to ensure proper care according to their age. Make necessary arrangements for

The following argument for the need for child development is also worth considering-
  1. Human Rights - Children have the right to live and to realize their full potential for development.
  2. Dissemination of moral and social values ​​- The continuation of desirable moral and social values ​​starts with children, so it should be spread from childhood.
  3. Economic aspect - It is only by investing in child development that we will get qualified citizens of the future, through which society will also benefit economically.
  4. Impact of other programs - In child development programs, along with other programs such as health, nutrition, education, sanitation, women development programs will increase efficiency.
  5. Social Equality - Starting right at the initial stage will help in removing social, economic and gender based inequality.
  6. Scientific Research - It has been proved by new scientific research that the early years of life are very important in the development of intelligence, personality department and social behavior.
  7. Changing social and demographic conditions - Increasing number of malnourished children, family disorganization, migration to cities, increasing role of women in livelihoods activities etc. Social and populist reasons are also important for early care, development and education of children. Be given.
Expectations / future scenario-
  1. To build a balanced, effective and practical curriculum.
  2. Ensuring the best and all round development of children.
  3. Preparation of clear guidelines for the implementation of the program.
  4. To establish the preparation of the child for school and the preparation for the school child as a mutual interaction in the jurisdiction of home and school.
  5. To prioritize families and communities with children who are at risk of weak and delayed development.
  6. Promote community participation in place of bureaucracy.
  7. To bring flexibility in the program so that it can be adapted to the local conditions.
  8. To promote cooperation of non-governmental organizations in Early child care education (ECCE) as per requirement.

Curriculum Issues and Implications of Pre school education

Curriculum Issues and Implications of Pre school education: A better curriculum can cover all the dimensions that have been created t...